Allright, have you got any jitters over this whole 6/6/06 thing? Not
me. I promised a treatise on the Beast's number and I'm going to
deliver. The number 666 comes straight of of The Book of Revelations of
Jesus Christ (BRJC). Some just call the last book of the Bible
'Revelations', but that is in fact, incorrect. I will suggest that you
cannot understand 666 until you understand the number 777. As any reader
of the Bible will tell you, the number seven is a number that is close
to God's heart. It certainly is of massive importance in the BRJC. In
the first chapter, we are introduced to seven churches. In Rev 1:20 we
read of seven churches having seven stars (which are seven angels) and
seven lampstands which symbolize those churches. In other words,
7 Churches,
7 Stars/Angels and,
7 Lampstands,
the number 777. Remember, the Church is an institution near and dear to
God. In the BRJC 5:6, we see a picture of Jesus Christ as a slain Lamb.
We find Him having three characteristics, namely:
7 Horns,
7 Eyes and,
7 Spirits of God,
is the number 777 once more. Seven is God's number which is considered
the 'divine' number. Six is the number of Man, not God. Man was created
on the sixth day (Gen 1) and God 'rested' on the seventh which as any
Jew will tell you is the Shabbat (Sabbath). If there is a finite number
that God would choose to reveal His triune nature, 777 would be it.
Satan is not, nor can he ever be, a seven. He is an imposter, a six
(Man's number), which is one less than a seven. 777 represents Holy
Trinity of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 666 is a number that
therefore reveals the Unholy Trinity of Satan (the anti-Father), the
Beast (anti-Christ) and the False Prophet (anti-HS). Notice the prefix
'anti-'. 'Anti' doesn't just mean 'against', it also means 'instead of'.
The seven-year reign of AntiChrist (see Dan 9:27) is those mystery
years that immediately precede the Glorious Appearing of our Lord Jesus
Pentecost 2017
Israel's Appointment With Destiny
777 and Bible Numerology
The Greatest Lie Ever Told
I hope that helps. I'll have more theology for you later.