When Jesus entered the Temple and taught there, the chief priests and elders of the Jews came to ask him from whom and with what power do all the miracles of Jesus but the Jesus behind asking their opinion about the parable of two children, written in Matthew 21:28-32, "But do you think of this: a has two sons. He went to the eldest son and said: son, go and work today in the vineyard. answered him: Good, father. But he did not go. then the man went to a second child and said so as well. and the boy answered, 'I do not want to.' but he went away, too. which of the two men who do the will of his father? "They said, "The Last." Jesus said to them: "I say to you, Tax collectors and prostitutes, women will go before you enter into the kingdom of God. For John came to show the path of truth to you and you do not believe him. But the tax collectors and women -prostitute believe him. and though you see it but then you do not regret it and you also do not believe him. "
From the parable of the above looks different responses to the will of the father to work in the vineyard. We will learn more about what and who is meant by the verses of the above
From the parable of the above looks different responses to the will of the father to work in the vineyard. We will learn more about what and who is meant by the verses above:
Vineyard describes the kingdom of God (v. 43) and grape fruit picture of the Kingdom. While Isaiah 5:1-2 (bdng. Ps. 104:15 a) describes the vineyard speak of joy in married life. "I will sing my love, my love song about his vineyard: My beloved had a vineyard is in a fertile hillside. He hoed it and throwing of stones and planted with choice vine; he built a watchtower in the middle and dug a place to squeeze wine and vineyard dinantinya to produce good grapes, but that result is a sour grapes. "
When viewed the location and manner of planting and preservation, including vines and tree selection can certainly produce the best grapes but what happened? Seedlings selected wines, rich soil and even the stones removed and the tower guard was established to oversee that wild animals do not damage does not guarantee the vineyard produces grapes that came sweet as sour grapes.
Applications: should the children of God who have heard the Word, his land has been cleared of rocks (hardness), all the properties 'beast' has been cleared will produce 'sweet fruit' when planted with grape seed selection, namely: to experience joy marriage personally and affecting others.
Who exactly is meant by this vineyard? For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel and Judah are the plants of his avocation; awaited him justice, but there is tyranny, awaited him the truth but there is only trouble. "(Isaiah 5:7)
Israel is indeed the chosen people of God, even the salvation of the Jews, Jesus. Should have their life full of joy, both personally and in the marriage and so on. but in reality their lives are marked by 'acidity' is full of violence and therefore troublemakers. They do so much sin and live in darkness (Isa. 5) to God's wrath, and let them captive and exiled to Babylon (v. 13) - out of the vineyard of the Kingdom of God.
Attention: the children of God / kingdom of God had heard and seen the person of Jesus in the Word - the vine of choice - but do not believe and repent for then leave all the properties are not good and did not want to work in the vineyards (there is no faith without works faith activity ) not akan produce fruit Kingdom of Allah - wine who sweet.
If so, what should be done to produce a sweet grapes?
Jesus presents himself as the true vine. To be able to produce sweet fruit, the branches should be attached to the principal so that the juices of the food supplied to the twigs and even branches that bear fruit must be cleaned so that more fruit (John 15:1-4) - activities in the garden wine for the children God's kingdom.
Application: the lives of the children of God should be attached to Jesus and continually sanctified by His Word to bear fruit which is sweet 'taste' of joy can be 'enjoyed' by others. How is it possible that others can feel the sweetness of the fruit of joy when the life of yourself so 'sour'?
In addition to the fruit of joy (John 15:11), we also live in the love of Jesus and the Father to be able to love your wife / husband, family and neighbors (v. 12).
Introspection: have we keep God's Word we have heard and read and then we practice the love others until we become doers of the Word?
The eldest showing the character of hypocrisy - to please his father smoothy but never do what he promised. This is in accordance with the prophecy of Isaiah 29:13 (bdng. Yeh. 33:31; Mark 7:6-7) who wrote, ".. These people come near with their mouth and honor me with their lips but their hearts away from me ..." The act Such is a testament to living in darkness because the light of Ephesians 5:9 confirms led to the good life, justice, and truth.
To whom the eldest of this parable Jesus mean? It turns out imam-imam chief and the people-people Farisi know that Jesus speaks about them (Mat. 21:45). They are leaders in the congregation and an expert interpreter of God's Word but not doers of the word. They had heard the news of repentance and the path of truth proclaimed by the Apostle John but there are no regrets even want to take Jesus to be killed.
Attention: however important positions held of pastors and priests in the church if they did not practice the Word of God, they are not attached to Jesus - the true principal - resulting produce 'fruit acids' even 'crucify' Jesus through word and deed.
The youngest of his father but he refused and then regret it and it works.
He called the tax collector and the prostitute women, not those living against God's law, but after hearing the news of the truth they regret and repent? Example:
- Levi, the tax collector, so hated by the people because he was squeezing and the people. But his life changed so called Jesus, he left his old job and followed Jesus (Luke 5:27-28). Levi, previously positioned as a sinner, but later regretted his actions, he turned into children of Abraham - a child of God.
When John the Baptist to voice conversion, Tax collectors regretted his actions - Collect no more than specified - and asked for baptism (Luke 3:12-13).
- Rahab the harlot woman, living against God's command to sell yourself. But when the two spies sent to see the condition of the city of Jericho to be destroyed, he hid them because he had heard God's mighty acts of Israel including Red Sea dry up and destroy the enemies of Israel. While the people of Jericho tremble with fear but no regrets and would not repent, Rahab saved the spies with an agreement he and the family survived. Rahab saved by faith and faith in the God of Israel who lives (James 2:25) even though he had to take high risks - were killed. Rahab and his family eventually not only be a child of God (Joshua 6: 23) but he also included in the genealogy of the birth of Jesus (Matthew 1:5).
Applications: no matter how evil and unclean background we - are involved in the problems of money, embezzlement taxes, live amoral dll. - God can change us if we later regret and repent to produce 'sweet fruit' that can be enjoyed by others.
Do not we - the heathen - formerly also did not know God and live according to the will of the passions? What is our response after hearing the news of truth and repentance? Do we behave like that are full of hypocrisy eldest or the youngest to regret and repent for later become children of God by faith in Jesus Christ and heirs of the promise of God (Gal 3:26-29), including enjoying the fruits of joy?
As a child of God, we are no longer enslaved by various sins and mistakes because we are constantly cleansed by the Word of God and still believe that the crucified Jesus is the Messiah. We become doers of the Word and no longer live after the flesh but the life led by the Holy Spirit until we are made children of God and heirs are entitled to receive His promise (Rom. 8:12-17).
At least three people who know for sure whether we really death the deeds of the flesh, that is: our own spirit, Jesus and Satan. The Holy Spirit and our own spirits to see whether we are truly sorry and repentant for the act is not good then leave it. We also believe that Jesus died to atone for our sins and then rose offense justifies us and makes us children of God. Our relationship with God because the closer the Holy Spirit helps us when we worship Him to worship not only on the lips of the mouth but the heart so close to our Father in Heaven.
We see a perfect example in Jesus; as a child, he has done the command of his Father who sent Him (John 4:34) even the death of the crucified (Phil. 2:6-8) for the sins of all mankind. He was innocent to all without argument or the slightest grumble.
Father in Heaven wants us holy and perfect. This can be realized if we cling to the Principal - Jesus - to continuously purified through His Word until we produce with joy and love to be a blessing to someone else at the same time pleasing the Lord.
"Because little or very little time left and He had to come there will be no delay coming. But my people are just shall live by faith and when he retired I have no pleasure in him. But we are not the people who stepped down and perish, but the people who believe in and that hath life. "(Heb. 10:36-39) Amen.