When I first became a Christian I felt like I needed proof of God in order to believe in Him. I began researching. I came across this website: http://www.everystudent.com/features/isthere.html and many others which really helped me understand. There is only a billionth chance that chemicals could create our planet. Think about it, DNA is so complex. How could evolution explain that. Two rocks could not have hit and created that. Neither could simple chemicals combine to create something that complex. Water is the one of the most necessary substances on the planet for life. Did that happen by chance, no. if we were at any other position in the universe by even the tiniest bit, we would not be able to survive. If the atmoshere were even .1% thinner or thicker we would not be able to survive. All humans have a built in moral code. Where did that come from? Where did the sense of good and bad come from. Why do humans throughout history feel the need to worship a higher being? It’s simple. We were created in God’s image to worship and bring glory to Him. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. I am just stating what really opened my eyes to the Lord.
it pointed out to me that if we don’t acknowlege God here, if we act like we don’t know Him, then why wouldn’t he act like He doesn’t know us in heaven?"
If he does that, then your God seems fairly petty, don't you think?
This is stated in Matthew 10:32-33, “Whoever acknowleges me before men, I will also acknowlege him before my fater in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my father in heaven.” Think about it this way, if you only believe in God in secret then it’s as if you are only doing it to secure your place in heaven but you don’t truly love and follow Christ. Christ wants us to love Him. He wants us to tell others about Him. It’s selfish not to. To not tell others about the salvation Jesus brings is like condeming them to Hell. Jesus says that only His sheep will be granted salvation, and the gate is narrow. To be His sheep means to be His follower, and to follow Jesus then you should follow His commands. One of His commands is to tell the world about Him. Another command is to love the Lord with all your heart. Jesus died for us. He did absoultely nothing wrong and yet we brutally killed Him. But He did it anyway because He loved us that much. God would rather send down His son to be killed than live without you. That is some powerful love right there. So we in turn should love Him whole heartedly. If we love Him then we will not be ashamed of Him. If and only if we love Him can we have a relationship with Him. Jesus will only claim those who He knows personally. If you do not have a relationship with Him and have disowned Him before men then He is by no means petty in disowning you. After all isn’t it pretty petty to be more concerned with what others think than what God thinks when He controls your eternal fate?
I have found that I have lost many friendships and relationships
because of my faith. Seeing as how I am a new Christian and just found
my faith in college, when I go home it can be hard to still hang out
with my old friends. Many people seem to lable my faith as weird and as
if there is something wrong with me now. I’ve changed. Most of them know
about this from Facebook and my statuses, which are usually religious. I
can’t help it. I’m on fire for Jesus.
It is hurtful to know my old friends do not accept me as much because I have become religious. But I talked to my friend and she helped me realized that it is seen as a good thing to suffer for your faith. The world hated Jesus therefore, they will hate us as well. By suffering for Jesus He will reward you greatly in Heaven. I have to remember that I have been born again. I am a new person and my new life is not mine but His. I should be happy because my friends can see that I have become a Christian. If they did not even know a change happened then that would be cause for worry.
It’s still hard even after I realize all of this. Eventually though I’m sure it will be easier to accept
It is hurtful to know my old friends do not accept me as much because I have become religious. But I talked to my friend and she helped me realized that it is seen as a good thing to suffer for your faith. The world hated Jesus therefore, they will hate us as well. By suffering for Jesus He will reward you greatly in Heaven. I have to remember that I have been born again. I am a new person and my new life is not mine but His. I should be happy because my friends can see that I have become a Christian. If they did not even know a change happened then that would be cause for worry.
It’s still hard even after I realize all of this. Eventually though I’m sure it will be easier to accept
I cannot get over the fact that Jesus died because He loves us. Think about if God gave up His son for us. I know I couldn’t let my child die for anything. Jesus loves us unconditionally. I was talking to my friend Nikki and she brought up a good point. We can never really love as unconditionally as Jesus does. It’s hard for us because we are full of sin. Whew man.
Another thing I realized was that I sometimes find myself scared to let my non-christian friends know about my love for Jesus. Nikki pointed out to me that if we don’t acknowlege God here, if we act like we don’t know Him, then why wouldn’t he act like He doesn’t know us in heaven? That really hit me hard. It made me want to make sure I never am scared to share my love for Him.