Saturday, 21 July 2012
Bible Study
Shalom,"After this Jesus knowing that all was now finished, said - to fulfill what is written in the Bible -" I thirst! "... When Jesus had received the sour wine, He said:" It is finished. "And he bowed His head and gave His life. "(John 19:28-30 bndg. Lk. 23:46)" And Jesus cried with a loud voice: "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." And after said this, He breathed His (Jesus died). "What is the response of the children of God while reading or hearing the words of Jesus "It is finished" on Good Friday each year? It turned out that their response is generally understood that they were the words of Jesus himself, but the heart / cold feelings, always, there is no reaction at all resulted in the absence of worthwhile activities. Such conditions are the same as someone who underwent a surgery, after surgery she did not feel the pain of surgery performed in the anesthetized state to eliminate pain. As a result, the response to a doctor who says 'operation completed' is not so eager, just a thank you to the doctor who has handled it well.Question: how do we respond today after reading / hearing again the words of Jesus "It is finished"? Is also a flat or even no trace of anything in my heart because we do not experience such suffering? Should be after we heard this description of God's Word, something different happens in us until we better understand the meaning of "It is finished" and more able to live them to be able to do so intensively.We will learn the meaning of Jesus' words "It is finished" and to whom those words were addressed.Meaning "finished" implies he has done to complete the task. What has been done him? Christ completed the sentence of God to die to pay for all the sins of mankind.Saying "It is finished" Jesus addressed to:A. Father in Heaven.In prayer, Jesus said: "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you have given me to do it." (John 17:4 bndg. John. 12:27; Heb. 10:5 - 6).In this case to give an account of Jesus to His Father above who have completed the task done.2. Devil"... That through death he might destroy him who is the devil the power of death ..." (Heb. 2:14-15; bndg. 1 Cor. 15: 25-26; Col. 2:15, 1 Jn. 3:5 , 8)It turned out that his words "It is finished" to proclaim his victory over the forces of evil.3. World (humans who refused, denied, mocked, crucified Him).Through the words "It is finished" Jesus wanted to explain that "I have completed work of atonement for all of you! Believe you? Come to Me! "It is natural to thank the many people who helped us both in terms of health, finance, etc.. For example: a doctor who completed a successful operation would have done the best for their patients. The patient must be very grateful, but in fact the doctor did not suffer or lose their intelligence services instead of money he received; but not infrequently the operation itself was successful but there are side-effect of postoperative. Compare this with what Jesus did when he said "It is finished", He is not only say but also the perpetrators of rescue sinners who believe in Him by giving Him crucified and shed his blood to the last drop - dead - so that we obtain perfect safety because of his faith. His redemption is done absolutely perfectly / completely without any side effects / the remains of sin at all.On the cross Jesus spoke seven words as kata-kata/pesan last, He is the sacrifice of the smell the most fragrant and pleasing to God (Eph. 5:1-2 bndg. Gen. 8:20-22). What he spake?A. "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do." (Luke 23:34)2. "I tell you, today you will be there with me in paradise." (Luke 23:43)3. "Woman, behold thy son!" .... "This is your mother!" (John 19:25-27)4. "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" (Matt. 27:46; Mark. 15:34)5. "I am thirsty" (John 19:28-29)6. "IS FINISHED!" (John 19:30)7. "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." And having said this he breathed his [= severing his life] "(Luke 23:46; John. 19:30)Indeed the seven words above can not be separated from one another but can be grouped into three sections:A. His great work of redemption → EvangelismWhat has been completed in connection with the redemption of Jesus?
Forgive the sins of mankind.As already known the relationship between God and man is lost because of sin and the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23) and even Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. It required a Person as an intermediary with the aim of restoring the relationship of God and man. Who is He? God sent His only Son - Jesus came as the flesh (human) to be a sacrifice (Heb. 10:5-7 bndg. 12:27; John. 3:16) because without the shedding of blood is no remission (Hebrews 9:22 b ) while the blood of bulls / goats can not take away sins (Heb. 10:4). Jesus who knew no sin was made by him to be sin for a man is justified by God (2 Cor. 5:21).The apostle Paul had a personal experience of God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ that saves a sinner and he confessed himself the most sinful (1 Tim. 1:13-15).Introspection: are we sure have been saved by the Lord Jesus? Or we still have doubts about the safety of his work?
Humans are in paradise again.Remember criminals next to Jesus who recognizes his evil deeds and ask Jesus to remember him when Jesus comes as King? Jesus immediately responded that he would be with Him in paradise.What is interesting about Paradise?- There is a tree (the fruit) of life (Rev. 2:7) as God promised to the Ephesians of victory. Remember, they had previously rebuked the Lord for having lost their first love.- Paradise = new Jerusalem where there is a tree of life in it (Rev. 22:1-2; 21:1-5).Attention: to enter the city of Jerusalem are those who are written in the Lamb's book of life, and his clothes have been washed (Rev. 21:27; 22:14). But they will lose the tree of life, when deleting the words of prophecy (Rev. 22:19).Introspection: how our relationship with God has forgiven us and also our relationships with others? Have no forgiveness between husband and wife, parents and children and so on.? If not forgive, we do not have the opportunity to enjoy the fruit of the tree of life. Remember, the spirit that animates us to enjoy the full joy is the word of life - the tree of life.Application: after being saved by the Lord Jesus, we are obliged to preach the gospel of salvation to everyone that Jesus is the only Savior who can solve all the problems of marriage, family, work, relationships, etc..B. Fellowship among members of the body → grazingWhat happened when Jesus was on the cross?
Acceptance among mothers and children"Mother, behold your son!" and "behold your mother!" (John 19:25-27)Widowed mother Mary - the mother of Jesus - is received by the disciple whom Jesus loved - John - and lived in his house. Because of the cross of Christ there was the alliance between the old and the young until there is no 'generation gap'. Parents need to support families while young people need guidance from the parents - each need each other.Applications: would not it be wonderful if there alliance of various kinds of different tribes and backgrounds (age, education, economy, culture, etc..) Because of grazing by the Word of God and the Holy Spirit? Cross of Christ is to eliminate all the difference!
Experienced the horror of separation between father and son"Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" Meaning: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? "(Matthew 27:46)Why did God abandon Jesus when their relationship as Father and Son was never released as the One Triune God? Jesus experienced the horror climax when Father left Him because He (the Son) was carrying the sins of the world (2 Cor. 5:21). Sin has separated man with God, the Creator (Isaiah 59:2) and He was numbered with the transgressors (Mark 15:28, Luke. 22:37; bndg. Yes. 53:12).C. Submission of (life) total for the forgiveness of sins and eternal salvation (point A) and the fellowship of recovered (point B)What happened in the last moments of Jesus' life before he broke up?
ThirstJesus knew that he had completed his task and that even what is written in the Scriptures (Psalm 69:21) He said, "I thirst". They then mencucukkan sponges soaked in vinegar on a hyssop and mengunjukkannya into his mouth.
"IS FINISHED"After completion of the sour wine, He said, "It is finished!"
Living in total submissionAt the last moment Jesus said, "Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit leave" (Luke 23:46) when He was forsaken by God (the Father).Can imagine the feeling of a child who has not recognized the child by his parents? Sure takes a long time to heal the wounded hearts of each party but Jesus only within 6 hours - from 9 am to 3 pm - willing to go back to God the Father, and gave him communion because of the triune God.When God the Father sees Jesus had completed His task - to bear the sins of mankind - and laid down his life, God forgive him. At that time all the sins we have also removed to clean and forgiven by our Heavenly Father and Jesus returned to His Father to unite / align again as written in 1 John 1:1-4, "What was from the beginning which we have heard , which we have seen with our eyes, we've seen and we have our hands handled concerning the word - that's what we write to you. Life that has been declared and we have seen it and now we testify and announce to you of eternal life that is with the Father and who has been declared to us. What we have seen and what we have heard we proclaim to you also that ye also have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is a fellowship with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ. And all these things we write to you so that our joy to be perfect. "Create the perfect communion of joy / full and no joy the world can fill our hearts than fellowship with God and with the Father.Introspection: a husband and wife who have not felt the full joy of each should check yourself and do not blame each other; as well as family life is less / not harmonious.We need fellowship with the Triune God to fend off the antichrist who denies the Father and the Son of God as written in 1 John. 2:18-23, "... no lie is of the truth. Who is the liar? But he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. For whoever denies the Son has the Father. Whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. "Attention: we should stick to the truth of the Bible - the Word of God completely - and not to glorify the man of God because people no matter how great he can still experience the fall because of cunning being waged by Satan and his minions.The promise of eternal life is also given to us when we confess the Father and the Son is one (1 Yoh.5 :11-13). Jesus had completed all the problems in both the vertical - the safety and human relationship with God - and horizontal - evangelism and shepherding spread. Note, evangelism and teaching should be walking in rhythm! Evangelism is necessary for the safety of our nation as well as the pastoral needs of the church that God is not affected by the 'virus' antichrist.When the Lord Jesus has fully completed his task performed, what about us? Have we done His great commission and complete it well until our last breath and then we live in Paradise and eat (fruit) tree of life with Him? Note, "It is finished" is the key issue of human settlement on earth and in eternity. Amen.